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OpenAI Unveils ‘AI Superpowers on Demand’ with Lower Prices and Customized Agents

OpenAI envisions a future of AI “superpowers on demand” by offering developers lower prices and the flexibility to tailor artificial intelligence “agents” for a wide range of tasks. This move is expected to accelerate the adoption of this technology, which has been a topic of both excitement and concern in the tech industry since the debut of ChatGPT a year ago.

OpenAI’s CEO, Sam Altman, spoke to developers in San Francisco, emphasizing the potential for greater capabilities and widespread integration of intelligence. Altman highlighted the positive impact of AI as “superpowers on demand.”

OpenAI’s platform boasts over 2 million developers and more than 100 million weekly users of ChatGPT. The initial release of ChatGPT sparked competition among tech giants like Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and Meta, with AI’s regulation and potential risks being a subject of increasing concern.

Altman mentioned a new “Turbo” version of OpenAI’s software with reduced pricing and emphasized its intelligence model’s efficiency. OpenAI is also introducing the ability to create customized “GPTs” for specific tasks, from business negotiations to laundry advice, without the need for coding. OpenAI plans to launch a GPT “store” soon, allowing developers to monetize their creations based on usage.

Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella praised OpenAI’s innovations and its positive impact. Microsoft has made significant investments in OpenAI and integrated its technology into products like the Bing search engine.

These developments by OpenAI are expected to make it easier for companies to implement conversational AI interfaces in applications and on websites. As AI continues to evolve, there is anticipation that digital brains will surpass human intelligence.