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TomTom and Microsoft Introduce AI Innovation for Connected Vehicles

In a collaborative effort, TomTom and Microsoft have unveiled a groundbreaking application of generative AI in the automotive industry.

This partnership has led to the creation of a seamlessly integrated AI-driven conversational assistant, enhancing voice interactions related to infotainment, location searches, and vehicle commands.

The AI-driven assistant, a result of TomTom’s expertise combined with Microsoft’s advancements in AI, enables drivers to engage in natural conversations with their vehicles. This includes instructing the assistant to navigate to specific destinations, identify stops along the route, and verbally control various onboard systems. Through a single interaction, drivers can adjust temperature settings, open windows, or change radio stations.

The solution utilizes Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service, incorporating large language models, along with Azure Kubernetes Services, Azure Cosmos DB, and Azure Cognitive Services.

According to TomTom, the voice assistant can be seamlessly integrated into diverse automotive infotainment systems. This integration allows manufacturers to accelerate time-to-market on a customizable interface while retaining ownership of their brand and driver experience. TomTom’s Digital Cockpit, an open, modular in-vehicle infotainment platform, also incorporates this innovative assistant.

Mike Schoofs, Chief Revenue Officer at TomTom, stated, “Together with Microsoft, our shared vision is to drive innovation with generative AI and provide our customers with even better solutions.”

This collaboration signifies a notable evolution in the partnership between TomTom and Microsoft, which initially began in 2016 with TomTom powering Azure Maps location services. The collaboration expanded to mapping data and services for Microsoft’s first-party maps.

The renewed focus of TomTom and Microsoft’s partnership is centered on advancing generative AI-powered automotive solutions. This includes the development of powerful in-vehicle digital cockpits and infotainment solutions integrated with cloud analytics.

Dominik Wee, Corporate Vice President for Manufacturing and Mobility at Microsoft, emphasized the potential of the next generation of AI to accelerate innovation across the entire automotive sector. “We’re building on our longstanding collaboration with TomTom and bringing together AI advances across the Microsoft Cloud with TomTom’s automotive expertise to provide drivers and carmakers with new AI-powered tools.”